Terinspirasi dari postingan mega, dan terdorong karena nita sudah melakukannya :p jadilah postingan ini brojol juga... Lagian, daripada ni blog kosong gak ada apa2, lumayan jg dapat alasan untuk nulis ^^ but after all.... i know u all miss me *GR tingkat RT*
High salary or job satisfaction?
Wohoooo... Job Satisfaction :D
Describe yourself. What do you think about yourself, and do you think people perceive you in the same way?
Buanyaaak ehh, tapi 1 yang gw rasa orang lain yg baru kenal pun pasti akan menilai hal yang sama, yaitu gw bawel, rame, ceplas ceplos kaya telor ceplok *ga nyambung yah*
Which is your most favorite book ever?
Which is the one television character that you simply adore?
Dulu sih banyak, dan seiring waktu berubah... Salah 1 yg dulu gw suka adalah Johny Deep. Karena dia selalu memerankan character yang unik disetiap film. Tp sekarang i suka Eric di true blood :p (Nama aslinya lupa, lagian i dont like the real him, i just like his character in true blood :p)
What kind of music do you like?
Country ^^ suka banget kalau denger penyanyi country, buat gw musik country itu UNIK and i love it
Which is your favorite genre of movies? (Comedy/Romance/Suspense/Action/Horror)
Comedy, Romance anda Action
What do you do when you feel very sad or depressed?
NANGIIIIISSSS ke Tuhan.... kadang smpe ga bisa berkata kata dan cuma bisa nangis :')
What makes you angry? Are you short-tempered? How do you overcome your anger?
Dibohongin (semua pasti ga suka lah yah) dan Diomongin dibelakang sama org yg berlagak baik didepan gw -__-"
How do i over come it ?
dulu sebelum gw tau Kebenaran, gw akan labrak org yg bohongin gw and untuk omongan miring, biasanya gw samperin n klarifikasi plus buktiin kalau semua itu hanya pitnah. Pake "F"
tapi sekarang, semenjak gw tau kebenaran, gw mengatasi hal tersebut dgn nangis n ngadu ke Tuhan krn gw percaya kalau gw dibohongin berarti Tuhan lg latih gw untuk lebih bisa maafin. dan kalau gw di pitnah gw pun percaya Dia yg akan buktiin semua ketidakbenaran tersebut and on His time those people who hurting me will know HIM more!
Its hard memang, tp we can over come it through Jesus who strengthen us!
Which is the best vacation you've ever had?
Liburan ke manado ditahun 2013 *Behhhh, mo cari postingannya di blog ini. Tapi ternyata gak ada*
If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real or fictitious/from any time period/dead or alive), which three people would you choose and why?
Mama, Papa karena gw kangen banget ma mereka and pengen banget cerita face to face karena ada banyak kisah dihidup gw yang mereka lewatkan... dari dapat ranking disekolah, juara 2 tae kwon do, bolos sekolah, nikah, have baby, and more :')
Which is the best vacation you've ever had?
Liburan ke manado ditahun 2013 *Behhhh, mo cari postingannya di blog ini. Tapi ternyata gak ada*
If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real or fictitious/from any time period/dead or alive), which three people would you choose and why?
Mama, Papa karena gw kangen banget ma mereka and pengen banget cerita face to face karena ada banyak kisah dihidup gw yang mereka lewatkan... dari dapat ranking disekolah, juara 2 tae kwon do, bolos sekolah, nikah, have baby, and more :')
Org ke 3 adalah.. Anak yg ngasih 5 roti n 2 ikan smpe bisa buat ngasih makan 5000 ribu org laki2.. gw mau ketemu dia cuma pengen tanya.. nama dia siapa :p
Which is your most cherished childhood memory? What kind of kid were you, naughty or nice?
Wahhhh banyak nih... tp yg paling gw inget waktu umur 4 tahun n papa gendong gw diatas pundak waktu gw pulang TK. sama pergi ke perpustakaan sama Opa buat minjem buku.
Senang dan bangga gw mewarisi Hobby Opa yg suka baca buku ^^
I am nice and naughty Whahhaaaa
What would you pick? Love or money?
Absolutely LOVE.. Because Money can't buy Love! and you can't live a life without love, its empty!
If given complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why?
Dokter wahahahaahaa! tapi gak masuk akal yah ? kan harus sekolah dulu... ;p
well karena my hubby lagi dibelakang n dia tau pertanyaan ini, dia suggest gw untuk jawab "To serve my Lovely Husband"
Why ? Because I Love my Husband (this answer from me)
What is your idea of fun? If given a chance to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
Fun ? Jalan2 ke ke pantai atau baca buku sampe ketiduran :p
Which is your favorite time of the day?
Pagi sebelum hubby n kim bangun, waktu lagi Saat Teduh tanpa di ganggu dan benar2 bisa konsen n bisa nikmatin hadirat Tuhan smpe terkagum kagum n senyum2 sendiri :p
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning person!
What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Banyak.... :p tar kalau gw ceritain mata lu orang bisa keluar dari tempatnya. Hahahahaaa... Buat blogger yg penasaran, Nanti kalau meet n greet aja baru dijawab lebih spesifik :p *kidding*
Which is your most cherished childhood memory? What kind of kid were you, naughty or nice?
Wahhhh banyak nih... tp yg paling gw inget waktu umur 4 tahun n papa gendong gw diatas pundak waktu gw pulang TK. sama pergi ke perpustakaan sama Opa buat minjem buku.
Senang dan bangga gw mewarisi Hobby Opa yg suka baca buku ^^
I am nice and naughty Whahhaaaa
What would you pick? Love or money?
Absolutely LOVE.. Because Money can't buy Love! and you can't live a life without love, its empty!
If given complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why?
Dokter wahahahaahaa! tapi gak masuk akal yah ? kan harus sekolah dulu... ;p
well karena my hubby lagi dibelakang n dia tau pertanyaan ini, dia suggest gw untuk jawab "To serve my Lovely Husband"
Why ? Because I Love my Husband (this answer from me)
What is your idea of fun? If given a chance to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?
Fun ? Jalan2 ke ke pantai atau baca buku sampe ketiduran :p
Which is your favorite time of the day?
Pagi sebelum hubby n kim bangun, waktu lagi Saat Teduh tanpa di ganggu dan benar2 bisa konsen n bisa nikmatin hadirat Tuhan smpe terkagum kagum n senyum2 sendiri :p
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning person!
What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Banyak.... :p tar kalau gw ceritain mata lu orang bisa keluar dari tempatnya. Hahahahaaa... Buat blogger yg penasaran, Nanti kalau meet n greet aja baru dijawab lebih spesifik :p *kidding*
Name one person you love the most, and one person you hate the most.
Love the most :Jesus, He always know how to make me smile :)
Hate the most : gak ada, karena gw percaya org yg paling jahat sama gw adalah org yg sedang di pake Tuhan buat bentuk karakter gw! So there is no reason to hate she/he :D adanya justru alasan untuk memberkati mereka karena sudah buat gw merasa Tuhan mengasihi gw lebih dari apapun ;)
If we were a couple and we had a fight, how would you try to patch things up?
Minta Maaf donk... Abis apa lagi ?
What is the funniest prank played on you or played by you?
Apa yah ???
If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?
Gak mau... I mau jadi orang aja --"
Who was your first crush? Did you ever tell him/her about your feelings?
Aaron Carter !!! itu loh si ganteng n imut adiknya Nick Carter Backstreet Boys :p
Well, sampe detik ini gw belom pernah bilang kalau gw suka dia, soalnya selain ga pernah ketemu, gw juga ga tau no telpon dia bwahahahhahhaaha :P
Which is your most favorite place in this earth ?
If we were a couple and we had a fight, how would you try to patch things up?
Minta Maaf donk... Abis apa lagi ?
What is the funniest prank played on you or played by you?
Apa yah ???
If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?
Gak mau... I mau jadi orang aja --"
Who was your first crush? Did you ever tell him/her about your feelings?
Aaron Carter !!! itu loh si ganteng n imut adiknya Nick Carter Backstreet Boys :p
Well, sampe detik ini gw belom pernah bilang kalau gw suka dia, soalnya selain ga pernah ketemu, gw juga ga tau no telpon dia bwahahahhahhaaha :P
Which is your most favorite place in this earth ?
Beach !!! Oh i love it...
If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to have with you?
Bible, books, bible, books and bible !!!
Serius, gw akan bawa Bible, Buku yg gw suka, ayunan pantai, bantal, sama HP.
HP akan gw pakai poto2 and buat telpon hubby, karena kan dia gak ikut :p
If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to have with you?
Bible, books, bible, books and bible !!!
Serius, gw akan bawa Bible, Buku yg gw suka, ayunan pantai, bantal, sama HP.
HP akan gw pakai poto2 and buat telpon hubby, karena kan dia gak ikut :p
Naahhh akhirnya selesai juga, buat kalian yg baca ini... I tag kalian :p
Ini tentang ku... bagaimana tentang mu ???
Ditunggu postingannya yah !!!
NB : yg gak punya blog, bisa post di notes FB ;)
~ Melisa King ~
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